BRHA National COVID-19 RTP Update (06 Dec 2020)

6th December 2020

COVID-19 Return to Play Statement

06 December 2020

Dear Members,

Further to recent developments concerning COVID-19 guidelines, the BRHA National Executive Committee is providing clubs across all six regions with an update on our current position and the plan moving forward.

BRHA Limited is the acting governing body for all six BRHA regions, namely North Wales, North West, South, South West, West, and Yorkshire. As you know, the BRHA National Exec has been working closely with the DCMS over the past several months and pushing our sport forward where it is safe to do so.

Version 4 of our return to play policy has been reviewed and approved by the DCMS, and the arrangement is that we move forward in a streamlined fashion with other roller organisations, so the sport is moving forward as one and allows for easier governance. To us, this makes a lot of sense and we, of course, will do what we can to support progress so long as the safety of our members and volunteers is not compromised.

This past week as lockdown 2.0 concluded, the BRHA National Exec held several meetings regarding our position as an organisation and what we believe is the right approach to take the next step. There is and will always be the added complication of ever-changing government guidelines that is simply out of our control; however, we feel it necessary to demonstrate to our valued members that we are moving forward.

To this end, we are pleased to announce that the BRHA National Exec has approved the return to competitive play and plan to run pilot games where we execute our stringent game day policies and make the necessary tweaks prior to rolling out nationally. The safe and controlled return to competitive play is of utmost importance and this process will not be rushed. As a country and sport, we have had to endure unprecedented times that has tested each and every one of us at all levels, and it appears we are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. Now is not the time to relax and compromise our safety. Each region will be required to adopt national policies and procedures, so that we continue to manage the situation, with a platform to provide feedback so every region learns from the other.

The pilot games will take place effective 01 January 2021 and the regional heads will contact all member clubs to commence a consultation period in due course. It is crucial that our members have the opportunity to input into our wider plan and this will be achieved through the hierarchical structure in place from parent and player up to the BRHA National Exec. Our members must feel safe and involved at all times and this is where we need you more than ever.

At the time of writing, the BRHA is at the following phases: -

· Seniors @ RTP Phase 2:

o Tier 1: Teams are allowed to train in bubbles of six up to a maximum of two bubbles (12 individuals in total). This includes netminders but excludes coaching staff as long as they maintain social distance and wear a suitable face covering.

o Tier 2: Players can train with up to 12 players on the rink with no interaction other than those of the same household or support bubble. While training is allowed, you must continue to socially distance on-and-off the rink, and the mixing of players is strictly prohibited.

o Tier 3: Skating rinks are not allowed to open while in tier 3.

· Juniors @ RTP Phase 3:

o All Tiers: Teams are allowed to train in accordance with the participant numbers and guidance stated in the BRHA’s RTP v4 policy. Training is permitted for players aged 17 and under across all tiers.

o Tier 3: Skating rinks are not allowed to open while in tier 3.

NB: As ever, please keep a very close eye on the ever-changing landscape and ensure your club is adhering to the latest guidelines.

Effective 01 January 2021:

· Competitive play is allowed within the confines of the guidance;

· Juniors:

o Training @ Phase 3 (enhanced training): no change in phase – stringent measures required while training;

o Games @ Phase 5 (behind closed doors): Junior teams with players aged 17 and under are permitted to participate in organised games. Please ensure cross-tier travel is kept to a minimum and only when essential.

o NB: Phase 4 and phase 6 are the maximum phases for training and games respectively. The BRHA does not operate sequential phases as is the case with some other organisations, as this allows us to control all playing environments independently.

· Seniors:

o Training @ Phase 2: continued until such time the guidance for players aged 18 years and over is updated;

o Games: under the current guidance, game play environments are not allowed for players aged 18 years and over.

As BRHA Limited has only recently taken ownership of the national organisation from Inline UK, it is an acting governing body and, currently, not recognised by Sports England. The process to become recognised by Sports England is quite lengthily and will take time. This is why the DCMS are unable to list BRHA as an approved body on the website; although, our policy has been reviewed and approved. A headed letter has been requested so that this can be used for reference of our dialogue and agreement with the DCMS. We will remain fully transparent throughout this process and encourage any questions you may have.

The respective regional representatives will be reaching out in due course; however, if you have any questions or need further clarification in the meantime, please email

Please continue to stay safe and we thank you once again for your continued support,

The BRHA National Executive Committee.
